Update history



Nov. 9'th 2011

New in R2R v.9.50

R2R now handles paired reads (paired end, mate pairs etc.)

Information on possible changes in the amino acid sequence caused by called mutations.

Experiments with use of quality to filter InDel calls.

A number of other changes in the variables to be set and bug fixes.


Nov. 20'th 2010

(General) All significant input parameters are now evaluated and relevant warnings given.

(R2R_Read_Index.pl; R2R_Mapper.pl; and R2R_Analyzer.pl) the $rd_length is now calculted and no longer given in .ini files.

(R2R_Analyzer.pl) Modified the quality assesment of InDel calls. This assesment reduces false calls of InDels significantly.



Sept. 20'th 2010

(R2R_Analyzer.pl) Introduction of quality assesment of InDel calls. This assesment is surprisingly efficiet and reduces false calls of InDels to nihil.

(R2R_Mapper.pl) Removal of the $chr variable in the R2R_read.ini file.



Sept. 10'th 2010
